Title : K-Lyric: Davichi (다비치) – Sorry, I'm Happy (행복해서 미안해) + Terjemahan
link : K-Lyric: Davichi (다비치) – Sorry, I'm Happy (행복해서 미안해) + Terjemahan
K-Lyric: Davichi (다비치) – Sorry, I'm Happy (행복해서 미안해) + Terjemahan
Lirik dan Terjemahan Davichi - Sorry, I'm Happy
Bahasa Indonesia
Ini hari liburku
Jadi aku tidak ingin hanya diam di rumah
Sudah lama
Aku bersiap-siap untuk pergi keluar
Aku tertawa dan berbicara di antara orang-orang yang terlihat senang
Begitulah caraku perlahan melupakanmu
Aku berdiri di jalan di mana kita putus
Tanpa jejak malam itu saat aku menangis tersedu-sedu
Sudah hilang, sudah
Such is the Article K-Lyric: Davichi (다비치) – Sorry, I'm Happy (행복해서 미안해) + Terjemahan
That's all the article K-Lyric: Davichi (다비치) – Sorry, I'm Happy (행복해서 미안해) + Terjemahan this time, hopefully can benefit you all. okay, see you in another article posting.
You are now reading the article K-Lyric: Davichi (다비치) – Sorry, I'm Happy (행복해서 미안해) + Terjemahan with the link address https://lyric2020-2021.blogspot.com/2015/02/k-lyric-davichi-sorry-i-happy-terjemahan.html